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Main - Links

Some of you may remember the massive links page I had on previous incarnations of this web site, which listed literally over a hundred of Ninja Turtles web sites. Well, being the lazy bastard that I am, I have decided that, instead of going over that page and determining which sites are still around and should be kept, I will just start this new links page from scratch and keep on adding to it. So for now, I'm only going to list a few web sites, with the intention of adding more as I discover them. I'm also adding links to sites that, while not TMNT-related, I find interesting and I think you may, too. So, without further ado, here are you links! (last updated: September 6, 2002)

Official web sites

Fan web sites

TMNT stuff from X-Entertainment.com (check these out--they're incredibly funny!)

Non-TMNT web sites that I think you may enjoy

Do you know of a web site that is worthy of the Dimension X links page? Then let me know at  lordkrang@attbi.com! If you could,  I'd appreciate a short description of the sites features and such, as it would make it a little easier for me.